Man-made changes on the planet occur so quickly that they can be compared with geological disasters. Despite all human efforts aimed at minimizing the negative consequences of human life on the planet, man has changed and continues to change the living environment to one degree or another.
The study of the hydrology and hydrochemistry of the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system (AAKT), that is, the quantity, composition, mineralization of water, the analysis of oxygen content, nitrogen compounds, heavy metals, the study of the morphology and biological potential of the area on the scientific base plays an important role in the development of fishing and ecological tourism .
For this reason, we studied the ecological condition of the water of a large lake in the territory of Uzbekistan, carried out monitoring of pollution with heavy metals, and set the main task of studying the pollution of heavy metals associated with ecotoxicants.
In the article, water contours in the Aydar-Arnasoy lake system (AALS) are analyzed by photocolometric analysis. The ecological status of AALS was analyzed through the chemical composition of water.