“Fuzzy Logic and Applications” - The 1st international conference in honor of world-famous scientist, founder of fuzzy logic theory Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh
Date: 17-11-2021

The 1st international conference in honor of world-famous scientist, founder of fuzzy logic theory Prof Lotfi A. Zadeh, will be held on 20-21 December, 2021, at Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan in collaboration with the Holon Institute of Technology, Israel. Through partnerships and open communications, Fuzzy Sets, and Fuzzy Logic will facilitate debates on a wide range of topics linked to various domains of technological areas, influencing tomorrow's outlook for better education and research. Fuzzy Logic Theory highlights the latest research innovations and applications within the fields of Data Science, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Deep Learning. 

For more details, please refer to the conference website: http://fla2021.bsu.edu.az

Depending on the condition of the COVİD-19 (coronavirus) pandemic the conference will be held in traditional (live), hybrid or online form (we will announce it closer to conference time).


All selected papers will be published in the conference materials book or in Baku State University’s Journal of Mathematics and Computer Sciences.